It is fairly rare that both these events occur on the same day and considering many other special cosmic alignments, this eclipse is going to bring out deep and profound transformations at many levels of our personal and collective experience.
Note: Energetically it is not considered advisable to view any eclipses. Particularly with solar eclipse, it can post serious health risk. If you still feel compelled to view an eclipse, then please do so with proper care, guidance, and appropriate equipment! |
Ultimately this change, these transformations will be for the better- but considering the fact that most people are too attached to their ‘existing way of life’, even if it is problematic and painful… and because of their unwillingness to change, in the initial stages the events following the eclipse may bring about a sense of fear and dread and then slowly… as people learn to cope with the situation, transform their thinking and change their response… slowly we will see a shift and rise in global consciousness.
Are you happy with who you have become? Where you are currently in your life? What would you like to be different? If you had a magic wand that allowed you to re-write the screenplay of your life-movie, what parts would you change and why? Can you now introduce some of those positive-changes, new life-edits?
If you did not have negative emotions like fear, lack and so on… what would you do differently about your life? How would you live differently? Spend some time to contemplate on these points. Also, spend as much time as possible praying and connecting to the divine. Eclipses provide us a more open portal where we can easily connect with the Universal energies as well as the cosmic realm beyond. It provides us an easy opportunity to obtain divine grace and blessings!
I wish everyone a wonderful and beneficent annular solar eclipse ahead… It is a time of immense transformation and terrific new beginnings…
“Gear up, get ready… it is now your time to rise and shine…”
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