Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that the reason for ailments is a problem with the flow. By applying pressure to specific points throughout the body by using a needle, the chi is released and therefore free to travel through its meridians, or channels.
This is perhaps why acupuncture is well-known and well-loved for healing pain in the pain, lowering P.M.S, helping with infertility and arthritis. Acupuncture also allows our entire body to relax and even helps moderate serotonin levels, which cause us to feel good. Depression is another disease that acupuncture has been found to help. Other benefits of acupuncture include the reduction of inflammation, reduced levels of pain, reduced muscle spams, better circulation and T-cell count.
While it is more often thought of as an Asian method, many western doctors have started to implement and learn acupuncture because of its amazing results. Dentists in the US have used acupuncture in order to ease patient’s anxiety levels. Acupuncture is known to lower levels of pain and help aid the problem instead of completely shut off sensations, such as with anesthetics.
It is important to find a good practitioner for acupuncture that has the appropriate qualifications and practices in the best conditions in terms of hygiene and safety. Those who are not familiar with the practice tend to only go for acupuncture when it is something that they haven’t tried yet, whilst those who have experience with the procedure tend to go a few times a year in order to receive its re-balancing benefits.
Continuous treatment with acupuncture can help increase health as well as energy. The most common types of problems acupuncturists deal with are conditions in which there is a lot of pain, such as with the back, shoulder, knee and neck. However, acupuncture is capable of treating a variety of other conditions as well.
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