In whatsoever manner that a particular person is behaving or whatever they may be saying to you- can you see the divine essence within them and show them love and kindness all the same?
Unlike you and I, who have learned to distance ourselves a bit from egoistic behaviors, probably this person has not learnt to do that and so is experiencing everything as a very essential-reality!
So, learn to forgive and move on. If you need to retaliate to get your point across then surely do so. But without anger or aggression. Merely state what you need to say and do what you need to do but with love and kindness so there is no hint of your own ego in play!
Also, we find that during these times, past situations or people tend to crop up again in your life. These are just periodic cycles that one can observer within any given year. These people may have hurt you or you may have felt much anger and angst in the past- but if these situation come up again or something reminds you of these things, then learn to forgive- those people and your own self; so that you can leave the past behind step into the present moment and walk towards a bright and beautiful future.
Journey To Oneness, How To..., Spiritual Awareness and Think On This
Keywords and Tags:
#miscommunication #communicationbreakdown #revistfrompast #pastmemories #walkingthepath #consciousliving #maitreyigautam #maitreyiparadigm #onedivinity #divinemanifestation #workingwithenergy #empowerment #quantumliving #spiritualjourney #divine #universalenergy #energymodulation