We are now looking at 2021 to bring us some semblance of sanity and normalcy!! Now- where the world economy, politics or even access is concerned- it will be as it needs to be or should we say as correctly determined by the governmental (and medical) powers. BUT what can we as individuals do to regain our own sense of wellbeing? To step out of the apathy (almost depressive feelings) where we are asking ourselves- can we ever plan for anything anymore? Or- what does this life really mean- if it can all be changed or be even taken away in just an instance!!
Personally- I find that looking at 2020 as a year of “personal death” is a great way for me to approach 2021 as the year of regeneration.
This is an intricate subject that requires much understanding. Many people think that reincarnation is just some eastern belief and that there is no truth to it. But there are many instances of where people have been known to bring in memories and abilities from their previous lives. In fact, as someone who does Spiritual Regression, knowing about past life is not just a ‘belief’ but an actual reality for me.
Think of child prodigy like Mozart- at the age of four, he could not only play the piano very beautifully, but create heavenly symphonies which even experienced maestros of that time could not accomplish. This is a perfect example of carrying forward the work that we do during a certain time, into subsequent lifetimes.
So, when we think of 2020, as the year of our ‘symbolic death’- it gives us an opportunity to regenerate ourselves, as to how we would like to be, work towards our dreams, goals, and life-purpose with a renewed sense of joy and enthusiasm. We stop fearing life and life-events when we know that we are doing our best within the situational-paradigm… and that is the best that can be done. Then we live in peace, knowing that we will start to benefit from our actions, i.e. receive its fruits in due course of time- exactly when will that happen- well, the timing would depend on many factors- BUT one thing is for sure- Nothing that is done in this Universe ever goes un-noticed!! We are the witness of all that happens and as such we continue to bring forth and experience the feedback (karma), memories (samskars), contracts, promises and so on. The fruits of which- good or bad, could be delayed but can never be denied.
I wish everyone a very happy 2021 ahead…
The first month of this year is going to be very peculiar in the sense that- life will seem even more chaotic than in 2020- but we need to remember that times of regeneration also can come across as times of chaos and confusion.
Even though the world at large may struggle to find its foothold, you as an individual can work on your own re-creation and remember that, though we all are affected by what happens around us- we are most affected and controlled by what happens within us- and this is a ‘choice’ we all have the ability to make. No matter what is happening around you, which you may or may not be able to control, you can always control what is happening within you and ensure that it is as per your liking.
So, get started with 2021 with a renewed sense of hope, purpose, and a joy-filled heart… Wishing all of us, the very best.
Death And After, Journey To Oneness, Magical Living, Our World Today and Self Development
Keywords and Tags:
#Regeneration #NewYearNewYou #EnergizedLife #MagicalLife #walkingthepath #workingwithenergy #empower #quantumliving #spiritualjourney