Typically, we tend to observe differences between us and another person. This happens because we are very identified with our own self. AND, we view this self by its external qualities, such as- I am a man (or woman), rich (or poor), Hindu (or Muslim- another religion) and so on… It is true that at an apparent level, there are many differences in each one of us.
It is only when we are very far from our normal location that we look for some commonality to find comfort and safety in the familiar! For e.g. When you travel, if you are to meet someone from your country/heritage, it seems to give you a special happiness.
If we are to look deep, we will notice that there are always so many commonalities- even with a person who is at an apparent level very different from us! Let’s take an example of a white person from a rich western European nation and a black person from a very poor African nation. At an apparent level, there will be many differences- skin color, affluence and possibly even health and physical well-being.
BUT, when we look beyond the outer physical differences, we can observe the commonalities- their sense of humor could be different, but laughter is going to release the similar endorphins and ‘happy chemicals’ in their brain! Similarly, what moves them emotionally and how they express their pain could be different, but both of their tears would be salty!
And this is not just the case with another human being. ALL manifested forms have the same underlying divinity. Observe and see the commonality between you and a dog, cat, tree... can you feel the very life-force (the divine presence, it's energy) pulsating in every life-form?
Make it a point to look at the one-ness that underlies everything in creation. After all, it is the same Divine energy that manifests itself in all this myriad of forms. And this is not limited only to the animate objects! The divine energy underlies even the un-animate objects.
Everything that is created, is simply a manifestation of that one Divinity. When you are able to see this one-divine energy beneath everything in creation, your life experience will change!! People, situations and even nature will start 'yielding' to you- your needs, your wants and wishes... it is as if, “your wish is the Universe's command". Needless to say, your life experience will be magical…
Typically, when one hears something being ‘magical’- one tends to think of it as something that cannot be easily or logically explained. But that is not the case here at all. When one sees the very underlying energy behind all of creation, it transforms us- our approach to life and everything within it and it also transforms our interaction with everyone and everything.
If you want to live a magical life, then it is simply about understanding the very energy, quantum dynamics of this universe and then synergistically working with it to create the life of your dreams.
Journey To Oneness, How To..., Magical Living and Self Development
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