There are many people who use this comparison to indicate their own spiritual transformation. But we need to know that there is a fundamental difference between change and transformation.
Change means ‘something’ is different from what/how it previously used to be. Transformation on the other hand- means that there is nothing remaining of the old- whatever was there has now completely ‘transformed’ into this new state of being… this new state of working.
So, by its very definition- transformation is a very foundational and impactful process. We need to get rid of all that is old and not relevant and then morph into the new state of existence. Though, on the surface it sounds very pleasant and comforting to know that we will truly, deeply, and completely be this ‘new’ person- the actual process can be very painful.
Having had to go thru several personal transformations over the years, I can surely vouch to say that though the final state of transformed being-ness is amazing- having to go first go thru the ‘death’… ‘burning down to ashes’… is very unpleasant and extremely challenging.
The ‘hollowing out’ that we need to do- is almost like gorging out the insides of a turnip so that we can convert it into a nice musical instrument- like a rattle!! The better we hollow it out, that much effective it will be as a good musical instrument- but the gorging out process obviously is very difficult. Even simply writing those words- seem to paint on a picture of pain and horror!!
Why I am writing this here, is because- this is the part, where many people give up on their spiritual pursuits. They get on the spiritual band wagon, thinking that it is all about comfort and solace. Yes, that is very much the case as we start out.
But as we progress on our journey- we come to a point, where it is no longer about being a spiritual person- it is about being the “very essence of spirit”- about being the “very essence of Divine existence”, at that point- we need to transform. That is the only way we can proceed further.
Though I am not trying to compare any one of us with the amazing messiah Jesus, it is important to remember that as Jesus, he was just a carpenter’s son, like others during his time. Doing simple work and leading an ordinary life. But it is his internal spiritual journey which ultimately brought him to the point, where he had to transform from “Jesus to Christ”.
It is a crucial point in everyone’s spiritual journey where we need to buckle up, suck it in and take on the task of deep internal transformation or we can simply choose to be a person ‘leading a spiritual life’. That choice is ours to make- and it is a crucial choice- as it determines not just our spiritual progress but also what truly makes us feel content, complete and full of internal light & joy.
As you observe yourself and the spiritual journey you have taken on to date, ask yourself- where do you stand on this path? Do you have the courage to face your fears (internal and external) as you deeply transform?
If not, where can you seek that required help/guidance? How can you bring yourself to that point in your soul-spiritual journey where you will finally be able to transform yourself into your very best version- after all, becoming the very personification of consciousness itself, has to be the very best version that any soul, any being can ever be!!
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