Why I am writing about this is- recently I came upon one of my hiking journal entries from back in October of 2015. We had gone into the Kootenays to check out the new growth that had started to take place. As the photo shows- the beautiful little saplings had started to take on their form- with the promise of one day becoming grand and magnificent again- like how they used to be.
It was such an inspiring experience to not only feel the pristine energy of these new pine trees but also see them start to thrive again where the ground still was covered in the ashes of their predecessors!!
Parts of the Kootenay National Park in British Columbia, Canada- October 2015
Change by its very inherent nature tends to be unsettling to our “security-seeking” life-approach. But when we remember that the very word Samsara, which is the Sanskrit word for our living world, means Change- we realize that change is not only required, but it is inevitable. Change is what allows us to grow and thrive… to constantly evolve and adapt- as if we are in some kind of a game. It is no wonder that in the Vedic tradition, our daily living, our world is compared with a “Game of Life”.
In this past year- it seems like people everywhere are getting angrier day by day- and many are wondering about this world that we are living in!! Even though at the surface level, we may feel a bit sad or even a little apathetic at times- being couped up in the house or being concerned about the world or personal economic situation- It is very important to remember the good that was and will continue to be.
Destruction and re-creation are part of the natural cycle- this is the cycle of time- called Kaal Chakra by the ancient Vedic seers. Literally, it means the Wheel of Time and it indicates the 'Circle of Life'. It reminds us that though we experience time in a linear manner, in reality- the expression of time in our lives and our deeper experience of it in our life has a cyclical pattern to it.
And though experiencing change can be a painful experience, when we keep our focus on the good that has been and will again be- it makes it easier for us to bear a ‘painful present’ life-situation.
Travel & Hiking Journal Notes from October 4, 2015
Almost 12% of the Kootenays was burned in a terrible fire in 2003- caused naturally from several lightning strikes. It was great to see nature at work- where new growth was growing from the ashes of the old!
Feels like I left a piece of my heart back in our parks. Cannot wait to go back...
Comfortable Living, Conscious Living, Life Adventures, Our Path Our Journey and Spiritual Lessons
Keywords and Tags:
#change #dealingwithchange #changemanagement #dealingwithpain #painmanagement #regrowth #kaalchakra #cycleoftime #circleoflife #samsara #betterfuture