The basic objective of Tantra is to liberate the soul by expanding the consciousness. Unlike other practices, tantric path can be followed only under the guidance of a spiritual master who has attained self-realization. Guru initiates the disciple to this path through “diksha”.
For any type of aspirant, tantra finds the right starting place for him. It naturally means, the aspirant has to perform the practices based on his level of understanding about himself. Controlling the mind through the control of senses are the ways of tantra.
The way of tantra is to understand the functioning of the mind in various situations, without the help of senses. From the scientific perspective, it is detaching the matter from consciousness.
One has to come out of the body consciousness in order to experience the self. It is based on the principle of Shiva and Shakti – the consciousness and the energy manifested through the body. Existence is the combination of both the energy and consciousness. To reveal the real nature of the mind, it is necessary to free the mind from the past impressions, the unimportant knowledge, samskaras, etc.
The entire human existence is based on two forces – prana and mind. These two forces are responsible for action, life and knowledge. Whenever there is a problem with the balancing of these two forces, there arises problems throughout the life. These two forces symbolize the ida and pingala nadis (energy channels).
All these concepts are described in tantra by the ancient sages. Tantra is basically expansion of the mind and then liberation of the soul. When the mind is expanded towards several other planes of existence, mind starts experiencing the internal consciousness. This process increases the internal awareness by liberating the mind from its unlimited functionality.
As a result of the intense spiritual practices performed by the spiritual aspirant performed under a guru, he evolves to the higher planes or existence there by expanding the consciousness.
The serpent power symbolizing the human consciousness called as Kundalini shakti is awakened gradually as the aspirant goes forward in this spiritual practice. Starting with hatha yoga, the practices involves kriyas (physical purification), yoga, meditation practice, japa, etc. Yoga is part of tantra.