The use of chemicals, such as in fertilizers and pesticides, is monitored and restricted to a certain amounts, while natural fertilizers and resources are meant to be used instead. Organic farming prohibits using GMO. It also encourages livestock to be kept in humane conditions that allow exposure to the outdoors and giving them healthy feed. Animals and plants that are used in organic farming should be selected by their ability to adapt to the local environment and their natural ability to combat diseases.
A common misconception with organic farming is that farmers allow their crops to grow freely without much moderation. However, organic farming is actually a very complex procedure that requires a lot of skill and technique. It is a combination of traditional techniques and modern understanding in order to yield the best results. Organic farmers know that not every predator in their farm is detrimental, not every weed must be removed and that chemicals are the last resort to dealing with a problem.
Farming does not have to be completely weed and pest free, because that simply shows that they do not want to live in that environment either. Therefore, why should we think it is okay to consume? Organic farming encourages farmers to be aware of the types of weeds and pests, moderate them and use them in beneficial ways when applicable.
The benefits of organic farming are better for our planet than large scale farming because it does not harm the soil, regulates weeds and pests without causing damage to nature, does not contaminate water, encourages the use of natural resources and gives us nutritious end results.
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Green Living and Life Management
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