There are simple yet effective ways that everyone can make a difference to future generations and to make the world a better place to live in. These changes to maintaining a sustainable lifestyle include our choices of food, energy and transportation.
If you are interested in living a sustainable lifestyle then one of the easiest changes to make is to change your diet. We should aim to eat foods that are naturally occurring and that support the food chain. There are suggestions that following a vegetarian diet is the best option for a sustainable lifestyle because it requires the least amount of resources to grow and produce, as well as typically having less impact on the environment.
If a vegetarian diet is too extreme then look for foods that are free of pesticides, herbicides or other chemicals. These chemicals are detrimental to the environment and can severely impact conditions for humans and animals. Ideally, choosing food that is locally grown is also beneficial because it means less transportation and is typically grown in healthier conditions.
Housing can also be sustainable by using fewer resources that are nonrenewable than a typical house. Sustainable housing is also meant to have the least impact on the environment and use less energy to function. Typically, houses that are constructed with sustainability in mind are constructed using materials that are friendly to the environment, such as brick, stone or adobe. To take it a step further, you could create a power resource that uses wind and sun instead.
To live a sustainable lifestyle means to tread on the earth with light feet and leave less of a carbon footprint.
Green Living and Natural Living
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#greenliving #sustainableliving #earthhour #sustainability #sustainablelifestyle #carbonfootprint #environmentalimpact #cleanenergy