Many religious traditions have some form of meditation practices. Meditation (dhyana), which is the earliest recorded form of meditation, can be found in ancient Hindu texts called the Vedas. You can check out Vedic Ways to learn more about this wise ancient culture.
Meditation plays an important role in both Hindu as well as Buddhist contemplative repertoires. Mediation allows one to traverse beyond the usual mental noise to reach a state of calm where, one can truly hear their inner calling… it is an inner space where one can listen to the soul-urge and divine guidance. Meditation is the foundation of any real spiritual practice.
Though sitting meditation is probably the widest practiced method, one can also conduct walking or activity-based meditation such as meditative- painting or knitting.
It has been found that folks who regularly practice meditative methods tend to have lower stress levels, experience less anxiety or depression, and tend to experience more joy and vibrancy for life. Meditation has been shown to improve a person’s sense of inner peace, perception and their concept of self-worth and wellbeing.
There are many ways to meditate, and many schools of mediation. It is now easier than ever for you to find the right practice that works for you. You can listen to guided meditations, podcasts, live streams or watch a video about how to meditate.
In today’s tech-savvy world, you can even download an app which can help you to navigate thru the various steps of a meditation technique. Given our constant involvement with technology and technical devices, there are many times where these very devices are a cause of our physical stress. So, if you choose to use an app to help you during meditation, then do maintain caution to ensure that you are not distracted by the bright screen, notifications and so on.
As you progress with your meditation practice, you will find that it intuitively starts to connect you to deeper layers of your inner being. This is a slow and steady route and so it is important that one sticks with a chosen meditation technique. Do not jump from one method to another… instead work on bettering the technique or method you have chosen. Work on evolving the method and moulding it to your individual internal makeup and requirements.
What is needed to obtain all these benefits is the willingness to start a meditation practice and then have the discipline to continue with the method. As you do meditation on a regular basis, you will start to observe slow steady improvements in your health, vitality, and overall life experience.
Read further:
- Living our life from "Our Center"- conducting our life as a "living meditation"
- How can you center within yourself- i.e. be in Yoga-Unison with your own self, those around you and also the world at large?- A simple way to break-free of the 'repeat cycles' of time!!
- What is Qigong? How can you benefit from this natural method of wellbeing...
- How simple needle crafts can help to reduce stress and aid with Earth Friendly- Green Sustainable Living
Meditation, Self Development , and Ways To Relax
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#meditation #Dhyana #samadhi #dharana #benefitsofmeditation #consciousliving #centeringyourself #spiritualguidance #spirituallesson #selfdevelopment #journeytooneness #yoga