We have been spoiled by what is considered “normal” in daily life – such as having long baths or keeping the tap on while brushing our teeth. But these are unnecessary and are depleting the resources that are available to us.
Every choice that we make has an effect on the world, because we are all linked by our resources, such as water, air and land. What we choose to do at this present time will have an impact on the future. The reason it is so important to practice green living is because we all require the same fundamentals in order to survive: clean water, air, food and environment.
Understanding green living means being aware of our resources (whether they are renewable or non-renewable), sustainability, recycling, food varieties and usable energy. In order to have resources we have to be able to conserve them, such as water, land and forests, as well as oil and natural gas.
Recycling is important because it allows us to use materials from old products to create new ones, which actually takes less work to create than making an entirely new item.
Examples of recyclable products include plastic, glass, paper and cans. When it comes to alternative energy we have many options that can be implemented, such as nuclear, wind, hydroelectric and solar power, as well as geothermal energy.
There are plenty of ways that you can leave less of a “carbon footprint” or have less negative impact on the planet. Recycling plastic bags for groceries are a great start or carrying your own cloth shopping bag so you don’t need plastic bags altogether.
We can also limit or lessen our use of water by being more conscious about our usage. Turning off or unplugging appliances when they are not in use since simply turning them off still uses electricity. You can also use more recycled products and recycle your trash as well.
Green Living and Natural Living
Keywords and Tags:
#greenliving #saveourearth #sustainableliving #earthfriendlyliving #SustainableLifestyle #LiveConsciously