With their transformed way of being, their sense of self and individuality starts getting satisfied by service to others. Sharing seems more important than mere personal consumption and collective prosperity seems to have more value than just garnering riches for oneself.
As you reach this level in your spiritual journey, you will no longer feel burdened by societal norms and expectations. This is the reason that most spiritual seekers seems to be less interested in external material pursuits. It is not that they do not like good quality expensive items or that they see merit in poverty!! Not at all…
When one is on a spiritual path and one has experienced life and 'a sense of existence' beyond just the mundane material world, one realizes the 'limited utility' of material accomplishments. As it is said- "we arise from dust and to dust we must return".
Spiritual seekers choose to focus their efforts on something that is longer lasting and the fruits of which they can enjoy in this life and carry beyond. They seek spiritual ascension for sure, but their material pursuits are not just for their own sense of accomplishment or enjoyment. They seek and obtain material wealth so that they have more to share with the lesser fortunate. A spiritual seeker pursues goals with much further reaching consequences!
Something to think about as you decided to live a more spiritually conscious and aware life…
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Ascension, Guidance, Our Path Our Journey and Think On This
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