This can be a major challenge since, these very abilities then become their stumbling blocks! Many a times, people get so enamored with what they can accomplish that they get even more caught into the ego of ‘being the do-er’ of those abilities. Instead of viewing them as gifts from the Divine, to be utilized… to further conduct the unfoldment of life!
Universal Laws apply at ALL times... and so, in case we believe that with our new spiritual abilities, we can bend rules or get away with doing self-serving actions, then that is not the case at all! Law of Karma is one of the key Universal Laws and so, we are bound to get retribution or reward in accordance to our action- when we utilize our siddhis for the greater good and in accordance with the Divine plan, then there is the reward of ascension to even higher energy dimensions and at the same time, if we use our spiritual accomplishments to further material pursuits, then we will get more mired in this world of delusion (maya).
To the one who is already quite advanced in the spiritual studies, this blogpost will make perfect sense. But for those who are just getting started or have not still started on their journey, it may not make much sense. So, I will put this in even simpler words…
Our spiritual accomplishments are not ‘ours’! They are obtained by Divine grace and all the glory goes to the Divine. As and when required, we can utilize our special abilities, but the credit… the glory still goes to the Divine and our using of those special abilities still needs to be part of the Divine action-plan and in accordance with the Divine guidance.
Do take some time to reflect on these words and see how you can better utilize its deeper meaning to further your spiritual practice…
Think On This and Self Development
Keywords and Tags:
#siddhi #divineplan #divineglory #accomplishment #achievement #spiritualprogress #walkingthepath #consciousliving #empowerment #thinkonthis