The vitamins found in onions include vitamin B1, B6, C and K. They have properties of calcium, biotin, dietary fiber, folic acid and chromium. The calories in onions are mostly complex carbohydrates, which are beneficial for the body. Alliinase is an enzyme found in onions and garlic and is what causes eyes to water when it is cut.
These amino acids are able to detoxify the body of cadmium, lead and mercury. Vitamin C levels in onions also help the body detoxify and remove cadmium, arsenic and lead. Consuming onions on a regular basis is one of the most effective ways to rid the body of toxic metals.
Onions are the richest source of quercitin, a powerful antioxidant flavonoid that is on and underneath the skin. Quercitin reduces cholesterol levels, increases good cholesterol, thins blood and prevents blood clots. It also fights infections, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, hay fever, and atherosclerosis and prevents stomach cancer from forming.
Quercitin is an antibiotic that has anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting properties. It even acts as a sedative. Onion skins are currently the highest dietary source of quercitin. Just eating a single medium sized onion, either cooked or raw, a day is enough to receive its amazing health benefits.
Onions are known as cancer fighters because the antioxidants lower damage to the DNA that are brought on by free radicals. All varieties of onions and its relatives, such as leek, garlic and spring onions, have been found to prevent cancer growth through lab animal studies. The antibacterial properties in onions also eliminate pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli.
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Healthy Eating and Nutritious Foods
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