This type of treatment is typically used by those who are experiencing psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia and depression, as well as alcoholism, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Parkinson’s disease, hay fever, colds, pneumonia, heart disease, eczema, acne, chronic fatigue syndrome and a variety of other health issues. It works on the belief that many illnesses are caused by lack of proper nutrition and overconsumption of refined and unhealthy foods.
Other procedures that can help therapists make a more accurate diagnosis include blood tests, hair analysis and urine testing, which can further elaborate on the lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.
Orthomolecular therapy has been around since the 60’s, when it was developed by Linus Pauling. Through his research, Pauling found that many diseases, such as depression, alcoholism, asthma, allergies, blood pressure issues and headaches, could be cured or treated by restoring proper nutrients and vitamins in the body.
Whilst it is well known that we should be eating foods that are high in minerals and vitamins, sometimes symptoms appear too late and require more drastic methods such as orthomolecular therapy.
Unlike conventional medicine, orthomolecular therapy aims to get rid of the problem by improving the patient’s health and by giving suggestions that can be used for the rest of their life. This form of therapy is well regarded in the world of alternative medicine and has been used as a treatment for a variety of mental illnesses, cancer and other problems.
One of the most significantly reoccurring deficiencies in those with mental diseases is the lack of vitamin C. Lack of nutrients such as thiamine, cyanocobalamin, tryptophan, folic acid, L-glutamic acid and pyridoxine contribute to diseases as well.
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Bio Based Healing, Emotional Wellbeing and Wellness
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