Then next, we notice, how they are treating us- if they are nice to us, we see their nice-ness and if they are mean or nasty, then we see that! i.e. we base our opinion of that person on what we observe about them at an apparent level.
But, in truth there is a ‘real’ person behind what they are presenting us.
For e.g. one person may classify greeting someone and that person not responding back as merely annoying where as another person may interpret it as a major insult. So, it is always a good idea to remember that your interpretation is based on your criteria and that they may/not be valid for other people!
Also, even with the same person, we are not all feeling the same level of niceness all thru the day. We could be dealing with a very nice and kind person who is having a horrible, terrible day and are temporarily being nasty and mean. And by the same token, we could be dealing with a person who is typically very selfish in their actions but are feeling so very wonderful about themselves and their life situation, that they are in that joyful mood to simply give and be nice!
So, that brings us to the key point that we need to reflect upon… instead of judging the book by its cover and then doing an incorrect evaluation, it is more helpful if we are to see the inner core of every individual that we come across.
Instead of focusing on the outer form, when we try to see their inner core, which is ultimately light in all beings, then it becomes easy to address whatever it is that needs to be done, without aggravating it with our preconceived notions of right 'vs' wrong or our expectations or beliefs about what is the 'correct' way to behave.
When we focus on their divine essence, then we find that, using subtle forces, our actions convince the person to behave from the seat of their divine essence, their higher spirit space- i.e., our approaching them in a higher light makes them meet us in their higher light, which then leads to a more amicable and fruitful interaction.
So next time you meet someone, instead of focusing on their outer appearance or even their metal makeup, try to see if you are able to focus on their core energies, i.e. if you are able to see and recognize their real, essential divine self, thru all the veneers and facades.
Journey To Oneness, How To..., and Think On This
Keywords and Tags:
#walkingthepath #consciousliving #outerappearance #coreenergy #divineessence #namaste #externalappearance #facade #veneer #workingwithenergy #empowerment #quantumliving #spiritualjourney #energymodulation #thinkonthis