The basic concept behind nature therapy is that it treats the whole person – your mind, body and spirit, rather than just body parts. The modern medicine focuses on your physical body and cure only the ailments they witness happening, without looking at the root cause of the problem. For example, an MRI scan or x-ray allows doctors to see inside your body, but they don’t reveal anything about your entire picture – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. | |
Let’s say you have fever. You visit a doctor who prescribes the tablets that diminish your immune system to alleviate the fever. But they do little to recognize the underlying cause of that fever. Contrary to that, natural approach involves a little more investigation. The practitioner looks at fever as a clue and would trace the fundamental cause. It could be a result of poor digestion, toxicity, emotional stress or nutritional deficiency. The alternative medicine practitioner recognizes it and cures your fever from its root.
If you treat only the symptoms, chances are the same disease will arise again in future because its root still persists. Instead of bombarding the weird chemicals, alternative medicine covers all the basic aspects of your body like nutrition, removal of toxic substances, emotional state, flow of fluid and avoidance of chronic stress to award you a healthy body and peaceful mind.
Since natural remedies eliminate your problem from its source, there is almost no chance of side effects at all.
Can It Cure Serious Illnesses?
Natural remedies have cured thousands of patients around the world suffering from serious diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, heart diseases, asthma, sinusitis, cancer, gastro-intestinal disorders, etc. People turn to alternative medicine when they have taken pharmaceutical drugs for years without any satisfactory results, and evidently with more complaints due to side effects of conventional medicines (pharmaceutical drugs).
Only cases where modern (allopathic) therapy has an edge over alternative medicine are the cases of emergency, accidents or trauma because there is an instant need for patient to recover from damage.
Then Why Don’t all Doctors Recommend Alternative Medicine?
An obvious question that instantly pops-up into your mind. The foremost reason is that doctors have been taught to treat a specialized disease or organ in their medical schools, so they look at a disease as an organ-specific problem and ignore the entire body. The reality is, though a disease is linked with a specific organ, entire system should be cured because the cause of disease might lie in some other part of your body.
Another apparent reason is that the pharmaceutical companies and doctors are not going to make a lot of money from alternative medicine. Doctors, drug producers, chemists, they all profit only when we buy pills that can cause more diseases in patients through side effects. Thus making patients buy more pills in this never ending chain. None of them is going to benefit by prescribing fruits, vegetables and certain lifestyle changes.
| The key difference between Allopathic Medicines and Alternative Healing techniques is on how an ailment is viewed and treated. Allopathic medicine typically looks at a dis-ease and tries to address the symptoms and cause which is mainly at the level of the issue. This type of medicine mainly aims to get rid of symptoms of the problem. Wholistic healing on the other hand, looks at the entire individual, which includes body, mind and spirit. |
Alternative Healing Techniques treat the problem in its entirety and not just the symptoms.
People are typically aware of more common natural therapies such as herbal healing, aromatherapy, acupuncture and so on. But there are many more alternative healing techniques..
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