Christian prayers are diverse: they can be completely spontaneous, or read entirely from a text, such as from a breviary, which contains the canonical hours that are said at fixed prayer times. While praying, certain gestures usually accompany the prayers, including folding one's hands, bowing one's head and kneeling.
Christians can spend time alone with God in a private worship or they could gather together in groups in a small private ceremony at someone’s home or at scheduled times at the local church.
Usually lighting a candle and reading verses from the Bible is included across all denominations. In addition, some folks could hold on to a cross or crucifix as a reminder of Jesus’s death on the cross and his subsequent resurrection. Here the main difference observed is between the Catholic and Christian crucifix. Usually, Catholic cross shows Jesus being crucified whereas Christians show an empty cross to uphold and honor his resurrection!
Orthodox Christians as well as many Catholics use icons representing saints to help them focus their prayers and assist them with their meditation. They believe that the icons contain the spirit of the saint represented.
In addition, Roman Catholics might use a Rosary, a string made of beads that helps them count their prayers while they meditate on Jesus' life and call upon Mary to offer their prayers to God.
Conducting daily prayers is believed to deepen faith among all denominations of Christians. It is believed that spending time in divine presence during one’s daily prayers can help a person to understand the grand divine plan for their life! Because of this, many Christians utilize the time of their daily prayers to also seek direction and guidance in their life.
Three of the most famous Christian prayers are:
- Our Father
- Hail Mary
- Glory Be
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
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Mystic Christianity
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#ChristianPrayer #OurFather #HailMary #GloryBe #dailyprayers #offeringofdailyactions #crucificationofChrist #heartofChrist #Christianity #JesusChrist #ChristianPrayers #ChristianNovenas #PatronSaint