Citrus fruits are famous because they are high in vitamin C which helps to prevent a disease called scurvy that is characterized by the bleeding of gums. Regular intake of the variety of citrus fruits will improve your immune system healthy and help your body to fight against diseases. Aside from that, citrus fruits are a good source of potassium and folate that are good for the bones.
Citrus fruits are good for the heart. They have natural enzymes that promote blood circulation, which is good for the human system. These enzymes also help to promote the secretion of collagen for fast recovery of wounds, and help the body to burn out excess carbohydrates, before those are released as harmful sugar into the blood! In addition, regular consumption of citrus frutis will also help to maintain the strength of our bones and tendons.
Meanwhile, fruit consumption especially those that are under the citrus family are thought to prevent the formation of kidney stones. These stones are formed when there is too much calcium in the urine. Some studies have shown that those who are suffering from kidney stone problems typically have very low citrate levels in their urine. Similarly, people who have low vitamin C in their bodies tend to have more asthma related issues... and the best solution for these health problems is to regularly consume vitamin C and mineral rich ctirus fruits.
The bottom line is that citrus fruits contain natural fibers, vitamins, minerals, and healthy carbohydrates. Doctors recommend daily one or two servings of oranges or any of the other citrus fruits, for that naturally healthy lifestyle.
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Healthy Eating , Nutritious Foods and Wellness
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