Natural rhyolite comes a variety of earthy colors, such as green, cream, and occasionally brown tones. They also tend to have inclusions and patterns which make them look very similar to Jasper, particularly Rainforest Jasper. Because of this, many a times, people mistake Rhyolite for Rainforest or other earthy colored Jaspers.
Rhyolite is a stone that facilitates change, variety, and progress while helping one to calmly cope with life-difficulties. It is also believed that Rhyolite helps one curtail and better manage their anger… because of which, it can help improve our relationships, by improving our overall ability to deal with the various relationship challenges.
Rhyolite also helps and strengthens one’s mind and body. Because of this, it is helpful to utilize Rhyolite if one has experienced any kind of physical pain or abuse. In such instances, Rhyolite can help a person by rejuvenating them at physical, emotional, and energetic levels.
Rhyolite is also believed to encourage self-realization and unleash one's creative potential.
It is thought to help one achieve their goals, by facilitating the transformation of their dreams into reality. Rhyolite does this by strengthening one’s overall ‘being-ness’. By being aware of our challenges, be they physical, mental or emotional, and then rising above them, Rhyolite helps us to transform our dreams and desires into a tangible reality of our life-achievements!