How is this possible? Because of one simple reason- We all like to be recognized, because it is a very simple and basic human need.
How do we feel when someone says “thank you” to us? I am not speaking about that careless “thanks” which is clearly said in a thoughtless manner, I am speaking of when someone says “Thank You” and they really mean it. You can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice. In fact, when people truly mean their gratitude then many a times them saying “thank you” out loud just becomes more of courtesy!!
… and how does that make you feel?? Good, isn’t it? We all like and want to add value to others and when we hear a thank you, somewhere it validates the value, the service we provided that person or persons.
Also, most people tend to thoughtlessly pass thru their day, mechanically doing their tasks. They pass by their work colleagues and even their family members with simply half-grunted words that have been said more out of habit than any thought behind those words or greetings!!
So, when they say “thank you” they acknowledge our presence. They acknowledge not only what we have done for them, but appreciate us for who we are- since ultimately who we are- our way of thinking, our beliefs and so on is what has allowed us to do what we did for them!!
So when they thank us, somewhere they acknowledge and reinforce our primal need to be recognized and validated- as a value adding individual!!
You feel this way when others acknowledge what you have done for them. So when you express gratitude, you say ‘thank you’… you given them that same attention, validation recognition and this makes them feel good. They warm up and connect to you. This builds bridges and strengthens relationships.
You don’t have to always verbally say a ‘thank you’- though whenever possible, try to say it out loud as well… but definitely make it a point to truly recognize the joy, love, goodness or service a person brings to your life. And be grateful… when you are thankful to them you are also expressing gratitude for the Divine providence that exists in your life.
After all it is because of Divine presence and providence that those people are in your life, adding value and providing you service and at times even love and comfort!!
Remember: Gratitude is the best attitude and it is ultimately it is our Attitude which determines our altitude- i.e. our achievements and accomplishments in life!!
Conscious Living, Our Path Our Journey, Self Development and Spiritual Awareness
Keywords and Tags:
#gratitude #thankyou #givingthanks #appreciation #grateful #appreciate #maitreyigautam #thanksgiving