| Pineapples are one of the best-loved tropical fruits throughout the world. They are the second most popular tropical fruit in the U.S, following bananas. The pineapple is the only fruit in the bromeliad family that is edible. They aren’t just sweet and juicy, but have many nutritious and healthy properties as well. Pineapples are a great source of manganese, vitamin B1, B6, C, copper, folate and fiber. Many individuals incorporate pineapples into their diet if they practice healthy living. |
Bromelain is an enzyme that makes pineapples valuable to a healthy lifestyle. This proteolytic enzyme is able to break down protein and is the reason pineapples are excellent as a digestive aid. It also helps the body to take in proteins and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Bromelain has also been found to decrease swelling and even provides some pain relief.
Those suffering from osteoarthritis or painful joint problems can benefit from ingesting a minimum of one half cup of pineapple per day. Pineapple has high manganese content. Manganese is a mineral that is essential in aiding bone and tissue development. Consuming a cup of pineapple covers 75% of the recommended daily intake. It is ideal for older people to take since it helps maintain strong bones.
Pineapple is high in vitamin C as well. Bromelain and vitamin C help lower mucus build up in the throat. Colds with coughs can be aided by adding pineapple into the diet. It has been reported that people who consume pineapples daily tend to have less sinus related problems such as allergies.
Those at risk of blood clots can also benefit from eating pineapple since they are famous for stopping the development of blood clots. Those who travel on planes frequently should think about adding pineapple to their diet. Women suffering from morning sickness can also try a glass of fresh pineapple juice.
Pineapple is a useful tool for oral hygiene since the juices help to decrease plaque build up. The best way to choose a pineapple is to go by the odor. Pineapples should smell sweet and fresh.