Categories: Ascension, Karma, Spiritual Awareness, Spiritual Lessons and Spiritual Regression
<Letter>Life seems like a puzzle, since we look at life in a small segment. One of the days- my sister and I got into such a conversation and I told her John's "story".
If this hypothetical guy John was to look at each of his day in isolation- they would all seem sooooo disjointed and meaningless. Right? One day, he is working like crazy, the next day- he is sleeping in, third day he seems to party out and the fourth day probably has a fight with someone etc. etc.
BUT when you realize the continuity that this is John's life- then I am sure we will all agree that- this is how life pans out for each one of us- there are days we work and days we relax and other days we party or have disagreements.
BUT the problem is we don't think that the "real I" is the connecting factor, since in one life, this John seems to be Jane and then in another he is Jack and still in another Mike and so on... Then to see Jane only work work work, and Jack have an easy relaxed life and Mike partying all the time- seems soooo meaningless and "unfair". See?
BUT when you realize the continuity of John as Jane, Jack, Mike etc. etc. it is very logical and does follow a perfect process. See what I mean???
In the grand divine scheme- i.e. the "time" as experienced by light-beings; their days and our human days are not quite in sync... I have read something like- God's- such as higher light beings such as Ganesh's (Vedic Divine Archetype) one day is equivalent to our six months of linear time...
So, from a Vedic stand point- there is the concept of Sada Shiva- which is beyond space and time and this is called as the Nirguna Brahma and then from there comes Shiv (primordial male principle- i.e. consciousness)-along with Shakti (primordial female principle- i.e. manifestation) leading to Saguna Brahma, thru whom all this created Universe- Brahmanda exits.
See how all these interact? Life is perfect! Every single aspect is perfect! It's like the perfection of a little bug, a beautiful bird or the perfection of several 1000 body reactions that go on perfectly in the human body- one little DNA coding made up of four proteins can come up with myriad of alternatives BUT ALL those alternatives are perfectly attributed. THAT is the divine perfection.
That is why our ancient books and texts say that all misery is self-induced- thru our own ignorance- not by a "god" or "some person or thing (neither animate nor inanimate)"...
BUT of our own true, divine nature- our own perfection!!! Something for us to relate and find out our true essence in entirety...
As I usually say- what we do not see is truly more real, than all the things we can see, touch, feel, hear- i.e. perceive by our senses.