If we look around, most of us seem to be running- mostly at break neck speed. Running where? Running why? Sadly people don’t take the time to even stop and answer themselves, because they are worried they will be late for some event or miss out on the next "happening" thing.
Slowly our life is totally governed by our watches. Part of being a “mover and a shaker” is supposed to be how busy our life is and how many activities and events we have going on?
What I am covering here is not about should you do/not many activities in a day. It is about truly “living your life” not just spending each day doing activities. Even though life is a series of actions and activities, there are many other important dimensions to life and reducing our daily existence to merely work and tasks, reduces us to become slaves of time!
Quantum science tells us that time is relative. It can expand or contract. Probably the more obvious examples are when we are happy, a day seems like a few minutes and when we are sad or upset then a few minutes seem like a lifetime.
So time along with space is a dimension of our being-ness, and not just something we look at on our watches and clocks!
Our modern lives have made us slaves to time and we exist as time-bound individuals constantly worried about doing activities and meeting timelines, but many a times we are not even really present doing those very activities we are eagerly seeking. We are already thinking of the next thing, even before we complete our current undertaking.
Our lives will then start to exhibit a type of boundless-beauty which can only come about after experiencing a higher dimension and we start to feel more at peace and at ease not just within our own selves and the myriad commitments we have in our life, but also with life itself.
Set aside some time each day to do an activity you absolutely enjoy, even if it is hanging out with a friend or reading a book; where you will not be watching the clock! Do the activity to your heart’s content and naturally stop it as you feel nudged from inside.
Truly start living life to the fullest with all its dimensions and not just a day at a time filled with activities and events. Open up to life… open up to a world of possibilities…
Conscious Living, Comfortable Living, Life Management, Self Development and Spiritual Awareness
Keywords and Tags:
#Quantum #ConsciousLiving #WisdomandInsights #TimeManagement #Hindu #Vedic #Consciousness #SoulTherapy #SoulHealing #Heal #FindTime #Time