Dr. Bach believed that the source of all illness is conflict between one's higher self and one's ego or day to day personality. The Higher Self wishes to realize its full potential, and the ego or one's personality, which may obstruct this realization through limiting beliefs and actions, creates a conflict within us.
Because each essence has the same energy as that of the desire the higher self-wishes to fulfill it is able to make direct contact with this energy, strengthening the higher self to dissolve the energy blockages. Bach Flower Essences is a simple and natural method of establishing complete equilibrium and harmony through one's personality by means of wild flowers discovered by Dr. Bach. These essences are effective natural remedies for the entire family- including children, animals and plants.
The Bach Flower Essences are 100% safe and natural and work in conjunction with herbs, homeopathy and other natural and many allopathic medications.
Bio Based Healing, Emotional Wellbeing and Wellness
Keywords and Tags:
#bachflowerremedy #DrEdwardBach #FlowerRemedy #RescueRemedy #BiologyBasedHealing #bachfloweressences #bachflowerremedies #floweressences #floralessences #FlowerEssence #naturalliving #healthandwellness