The soothing light and pink color of Rose Quartz crystal is not only appealing to the eyes but it also helps to attract love in all forms into our life. Rose Quartz helps to attract and bring loving people and situations into our life.
As per astrology, Rose Quartz is believed to have the energy of Venus- a planet (graha) which is the archetype for, i.e. rules the energy of, love and relationships.
You can also wear Rose Quartz jewelry such as a ring with a similar intension of inviting loving people and relationship into your life.
You do not need to get into any specifics!! In fact, it can be very detrimental to get into too many details! You simply have the intension and let the Universe handle all the details!!
As with any remedy, it is important to do this with intension and faith; BUT at the same time giving up your attachment to the outcome. You need to remember that Universe will ultimately give you what is best for you and at the right time