This is where Rose Quartz crystal can be very helpful. Its peaceful and loving vibrations emanate love and attract loving energies from the Universe. It helps to attract love, caring and helpful people into your life. It helps you to build loving relationships that are not one-sided or codependent but are built on strong foundations of healthy love and universal brotherhood (divine love).
There are many ways in which you can use rose quartz so as to benefit from its loving and soothing energies.
In addition, you can also hold a small crystal of rose quartz in your palm while you meditate. Doing this can be very powerful. So, it needs to be done with complete focused intension and without any attachment for the outcome!! Even as you focus and meditate on loving energy entering your life, let the Universe handle all the details.
To do this- you can hold a crystal of rose quartz in your hand and visualize having loving and caring interactions with people. Visualize having loving and helpful people in your life who care for you and you in turn care for them. Visualize and feel loved and cared for- by the many people in your life and also by life itself. Believe that you are truly loved and cared for by the Universe, the Divine.
As mentioned earlier, simply do such a visualization with complete faith and focused intension, but do not get into the details or get attached to the outcome. Do not worry about timelines or the fact that there are still many uncaring people around you or that you have not met that special companion, that life partner that you are looking to spend your life with… all that will come in due time and as per the Divine schedule.
Now do remember that rose quartz will not only help to attract ‘love’ as in emotional relationships in your life; but it will also help to bring in all kinds of loving relationships- such as friendships, mentors, teachers and guides and nice, kind people into your life. Also, rose quartz can help to pacify strife and arguments within your existing relationships.
What you are doing here with rose quartz is focusing your attention and sending forth your wish, your want and your intension into the cosmos. Then the Universal Law of Attraction will formulate (create) and give you what you are seeking in due time as per your karma- your past actions (which determine your fate or destiny) as well as your current karma- your actions which you perform under free-will.
Basically, the calm, peaceful, loving and soothing energies of rose quartz will help to attract loving energies and people presence into your life.