Rousseau once said- Man is born free and is everywhere in chains! Lord Krishna explained the reason behind this several hundreds of years ago. We are identified with being the do-er, without realizing that the divine is the dancer and we are the dance. Because of this deluded thinking, we end up getting caught in the karmic cycle of repeated births and deaths.
In our ancient Vedic texts, it is said that the Divine is the dancer and we are the dance. It is important to differentiate between taking responsibility for right action with mistaking oneself as the do-er.
Though we may think of our self as a do-er, in reality, we are the outcome or result of all that is going on. This does not mean that one shirks responsibility! In fact, it is essential that we take responsibility for all that we do- in mind, body and spirit.
But at the same time, when we conduct all the actions with the knowledge that it is the divine that is truly living and acting thru us, then those very same actions, become our path of Karma Yoga.
There are many instances in life where we may not outright blame someone else for our problem or situation, but deep within, we believe they are responsible for our peril and because of it, we resent them. It could be parents, friends, coworkers, a stranger or even the government.
Do whatever action you need to take in the situation AND let go of your negative impression, resentment and blaming behavior. Know that ultimately all that happens to you, is part of the divine will and learn to surrender to this divine intension.
You will be surprised as to how this one simple action on your part will open up many opportunities for you that could never have been possible otherwise. Once you see the Divine as the real do-er, it frees up all the energy that you are currently wasting to uphold your false paradigm. You can then start achieving success and recognition beyond your wildest of dreams!!
Ascension, Guidance, Journey To Oneness, Our Path Our Journey, Spiritual Awareness , Spiritual Lessons and Yoga
Keywords & Tags:
#DissolvingtheEgo #RemoveNegativeFeelings #KarmaYoga #YogaforEmotionalWellbeing #ascension #spirituallesson #spiritualjourney #Karma #FruitsofAction #Regression #Accountability #DoingActionWithoutBlame