The first thing that is a must is to keep your body hydrated by drinking lots of water. Drinking a lot of water is known to help with many ailments, diseases and overall wellbeing, but it is especially beneficial to our spine since the discs in our spine are largely made up of water. Vitamin A is one of the beneficial nutrients for our spine and back since it keeps the tissues working well. Beta-carotene is also beneficial as it converts into vitamin A upon consumption. | |
The back and spine really need the appropriate amount of calcium in order to stay strong and decrease risks of fractures and other related ailments. Vitamin D encourages the way our body processes calcium and is necessary for developing strength in bones.
Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish oils, egg yolks and direct sunlight (for short periods of time) are natural sources of vitamin D. Vitamin C also keeps bones strong and helps develop collagen, which is vital for our cells.
Fruits are packed with vitamin C and there is especially high vitamin C content found in citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes and kiwis. Vegetables that have plenty of vitamin C are bell peppers, spinach, sweet potatoes and broccoli. The spine needs vitamin B12 to grow healthily and can be added to your diet with various meat items like fish, lean meat, poultry and liver. Other items include leafy green vegetables and dairy products. | |
Herbs that are known to aid spinal injuries or discomfort include ginger, olive leaf, cat’s claw, noni leaf, nettle and boswellia.
Chamomile is recommended as a way of preventing osteoarthritis and is beneficial to the body under any circumstance since it has properties that help with inflammatory and relieve pain.
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Healthy Eating and Wellness
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