What are 'Factory Farmed Chickens'?
Chickens are fed via rows of water and food. These harsh conditions are cruel for the chickens, as they all end up lacking proper nutrition and are severely stressed due to the lack of natural behaviors. A number of factory farm chickens die from stress of living in tight spaces or diseases. Therefore, these chickens are treated with antibiotics to stop disease. They are also given hormones because they cannot naturally grow without them in these conditions. Those of us who are none the wiser later consume the hormones and antibiotics given to the chicken.
If you think hormones and antibiotics are bad, you might want to know that these factory farmed animals are also fed and “cleaned” with pesticides. Mass spraying of pesticides is said to prevent various diseases from happening, but the consequences of them later being consumed by a human are not often spoke of. Another cruel habit is to remove the beaks of the chickens in order to stop pecking. This also reduces the chance of cannibalism, which is a common habit of birds that are stressed and in too close proximity for long periods of time.
Adverse impact of Factory Farmed Chicken on our environment!
These factory farm chickens include hens that are expected to lay eggs. In order to trick the hens into thinking they are ready to produce eggs, they are subjected to forced molting, which involves starving hens of food and water to force their bodies to produce more eggs. In this regards, at times... they are not given any food and water for as long as two weeks. They are also shown varying types of light in order to trick them.
Inhumane treatment meted out to Factory Farmed Chicken...
Live-shackle slaughter is a common method for killing factory-farmed poultry. The chickens are placed upside down and forced to lie on their backs. This can often cause broken bones.
The chickens are then placed in an electrified water bath to make them unconscious. After that, their throats and bodies are cut and thrown into a boiling water vat to remove their feathers. Many chickens are able to escape the electrified water but remain conscious during the next steps of the slaughter.
Although many companies have stopped buying chicken from live-shackle slaughter plants, this practice is still widespread.
Factory-farm chickens are subject to severe hardships to maximize profits. Slowly, however, awareness is growing about the conditions in which these birds are treated. Consumers and large companies are challenging some of the cruelest practices, such as forced molting and live-shackle killing, directly. These small steps could lead to a future without chicken factory farms.
Green Living
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