Cherries are one of the only natural sources of the antioxidant called melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone that reduces body temperature and helps prepare the body for sleep. Instead of taking a melatonin supplement, try having small sips of cherry concentrate. The juice makes it easy for the body to absorb. Melatonin also promotes circadian rhythms.
The abundance of antioxidants in cherries makes it an excellent cancer-fighting food. The antioxidants stop and repair damage caused by free radicals in the cells of the body. Antioxidants simply substitute free radicals and prevent any further damage.
Queritrin is a flavonoid in cherries that has strong cancer-fighting abilities. Upon consumption, queritrin immediately starts to attack cancerous cells in the body. Ellagic acid and perillyl alcohol are two other compounds in cherries that have been found to prevent and discontinue the growth of cancer cells. Queritrin and isoqueritrin also help the body rid itself of oxidative stress, which is the main cause of signs of aging.
There are anti-inflammatory compounds in cherries that stop certain pain-causing enzymes including bioflavonoids and anthocyanins. The anti-inflammatory properties also aid those who suffer from arthritis and gout. Bioflavonoids and anthocyanin also help get rid of migraines since their effects are similar to ibuprofen and aspirin.
Cherries are best eaten on their own but one can also enjoy the nutritional benefits of cherries with cherry juice concentrate. It is important to select concentrate that is all-natural and does not contain additives or extra sugar. A benefit of drinking the concentrate is that the sugar intake from fresh cherries is greatly reduced. Cherry juice concentrate can be mixed with water and is best to drink in the morning.
Healthy Eating and Nutritious Foods
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