Kiwi's green flesh has an almost creamy consistency. Its invigorating taste is similar to that of bananas, melons, and strawberries but kiwi's flavor is uniquely sweet. With kiwi's bright green color and scattered small black seeds, any fruit salad is spruced up with its dramatic tropical elegance.
Kiwi has emerged to be a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is the key water-soluble antioxidant nutrient in our body. This nutrient neutralizes free radicals that damage cells and result in inflammation problems and even cancer. As a matter of fact, ample vitamin C intake has shown to be able to lessen the severity of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis as well as prevent diabetic heart disease, atherosclerosis, and colon cancer.
Consuming fruits that are rich in vitamin C like kiwi may contribute to a vital protective effect from respiratory symptoms of asthma, for instance, wheezing. Mostly children with asthma seemed to benefit from consuming kiwi; the protective effects were apparent even among children who consumed the fruit only 1-2 times a week.
Further, kiwi has the capability to protect DNA of humans from oxidative damage. This defensive antioxidant capacity of the fruit has fascinated researchers in the field of phytonutrient research. Which content of kiwi gives this healing capacity is yet to be discovered by researchers. However, they are certain that this property is not limited to kiwi's beta-carotene or vitamin C content.
Kiwi contains a vast range of carotenoids and flavonoids that have exhibited antioxidant activity and these phytonutrients are possibly the compounds that are responsible for its DNA-protective capacity.
Daily kiwi intake may have a significant effect in reducing the risk of blood clots and lowering triglycerides or the amount of fats in the blood, thereby protecting your cardiovascular health. Kiwi is also an excellent source of polyphenols and potassium. All of these nutrients may function separately or synergistically to be able to protect the cardiovascular system specifically the blood vessels and the heart.
Kiwi is similar to aspirin in the sense that it also helps reduce blood clots. However, aspirin has side effects such as the bleeding or inflammation of the intestinal tract. On the other hand, all of kiwi's effects are beneficial to one's health.
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Healthy Eating , Nutritious Foods and Wellness
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