If you feel total apathy and lack-luster about your life or seriously wonder about the meaning and benefit of living... then this may not be just a philosophical pondering, BUT a serious issue of depression. Depression is a very serious mental ailment and though it is quite normal to feel sad or in a low mood from time to time, depression is a very serious mental health issue and it needs immediate help and treatment. Many episodes of light depression, i.e. cases of feeling sad which is not clinical depression, do tend to be transitory, and often follow an unforeseen | |
So, it is important that once you start sensing feelings of depression either within yourself or someone close to you, it is important to closely monitor the situation to check for possible deterioration.
If you are unsure and particularly if there is a history of serious mental health concerns either for the individual or in the family, then it is even more important to immediately seek medical help as soon as you start noticing any first signs of depression.
If in doubt, always seek medical help. Remember that depression can be very debilitating and though it may seem benign and just feeling blue, it could also rapidly deteriorate into a complicated issue. Always seek proper medical help and guidance- it is better to be safe rather than sorry.
You can start by first approaching your doctor and then upon their recommendation, speak to a mental health professional to chalk out a treatment plan that will set the person on a road to recovery.
Such psychotherapy may involve one-on-one sessions, family sessions, or couples therapy, depending on the individual situation.
Family therapy focuses on issues within close relationships, while group therapy brings together people suffering from the same condition to help one another cope with similar issues. The process of therapy may take a few weeks or more, but a person can see an improvement in their mental state even after as few as 10 or 15 sessions.
| Untreated depression is a serious mental ailment that can severely interfere with a person's ability to live life. It can prevent a person from functioning normally in their work, social, and family lives. For example, it is estimated that untreated depression costs the US economy more than $43.7 billion each year in terms of lost productivity, absenteeism and other health care costs. People with untreated depression are often at a higher risk for substance abuse and alcoholism. Suicidal behavior is also more likely among people with untreated depression than among those without it. People who suffer from both types of depression (unipolar and bipolar) are at a higher risk for substance abuse, and may require special treatment. |
Depression can be a debilitating condition that makes a person feel sad and unable to do everyday activities. A person with depression will have trouble thinking, remembering things, eating, and sleeping. The symptoms of depression can last from several days to months, and are not necessarily predictable.
The symptoms of depression differ from culture to culture. In the West, people tend to talk about moods and feelings, whereas in Eastern cultures, people express their emotions in bodily symptoms. During depressive episodes, a person's appetite and weight may also show significant changes.
Untreated depression can also be extremely damaging to an individual's health, and can lead to other physical and mental health problems.
There are many treatment options for depression. Various health professionals offer different approaches to treating depression, and they are designed to help a person recover as quickly as possible. Depending on the severity of the depression, a doctor may recommend medication, counseling, or alternative medical treatments.