Categories: Ascension, Karma, Spiritual Awareness, Spiritual Lessons and Spiritual Regression
His was clearly a karmic situation (aren't most of them!!!). Here is what I had said to my friend to help him clear such a situation.
Please note- the actual steps outlined here could be used for other types of clearing as well. In fact, it is a good practice to include some of these steps in our daily prayer practice.
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As for the situation, I feel like with this particular guy you have some karmic situation with resentment and anger from your side (about being wronged) and fear from his side (of what the repercussions will be)... fear usually retaliates with anger... This particular situation should get solved as you release your anger and karmic involvement in the situation. Send your neighbor lots of loving white light.
Every time you think of the anger or any of his act; simply switch to sending him loving light and “thank” him for allowing the Universe to utilize him, so you can learn your lessons...
As for the Karmic Clearing steps: Start with relaxing and connecting with the Universal energy. Then think of your neighbor, if the things he has done comes to mind, then simply feel it thru.
If you feel anger or resentment, then feel it through... and then really see him in your mind’s eye and “Thank Him” that he is allowing the Universe to use himself, so you can learn your lessons. Thank him for helping you realize your own short-comings, so you can better yourself... Feel this gratitude.
- Then, ask his forgiveness. Ask him to forgive you for all the wrongs you have done him- in this life or any other life. (if you feel any specific sensations or get insights or visions, then note them). Tell him that you are really very sorry and that you ask his forgiveness. Ask his forgiveness for any wrongs, un-paid debts, un-fulfilled promises or any other way that you might have hurt or upset him.
- Then, tell him that you forgive him. For all the wrongs that he may have done to you. Here, it’s helpful to see some of the situation you feel he has wronged and then feel the white light washing it all off and both of you happy and smiling.
- Then tell him that you love him. Tell him that you realize that at the deepest core both of you are the same and it is the same divinity in both of you, so you really do love him in truth and completeness.
While doing this, it is helpful to see all the negative-blackness between you two, transmuting into white light and then rising anddispersing into the Universe.
Then Thank the Universe... and simply relax and feel the uplift in energy... the goodness of all the white light energy which you feel around you! I am sure this will help you a lot.
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