Categories: Spiritual Awareness, Self Development and Life Adventures
If you have not read it, here is the link to that article: An amazing road-trip… a prayer answered almost instantaneously!!
As I continued driving thru the evening, I reflected on what had just happened. Was it ‘really' for real??
What is real? - that which our senses can perceive, and our rational mind can come up with a clear explanation. But I did not have any of it for what had just happened!!
This gentleman was someone who showed up literally in the middle of no-where, as a simple and prompt answer to my desperate prayer.
He showed up almost like an angel to show me the way and then disappeared into the evening dusk.
I felt inspired to share this story with all of you- because, right now, we all are going thru trying times in our own ways.
It is not just about a health-scare or economic shut-down… bottom-line is that anything and everything we have held as ‘normal’ over the years has been overthrown- and no one seems to know where this is all leading us to!!
Many people today are feeling some level of confusion- with a thousand questions firing in their minds of fear and disbelief and yet- they do not seem to find solace!
And it is when it is extremely dark and the road is totally isolated, when our illuminated view can be at it is minimum- which also means we need to maximize our trust that the road continues fine further ahead…
This is such a time in our life- where we need to trust life and its working. The best we can do is to pay attention and traverse today with full exuberance and intension- doing our best, in the best way possible… while knowing, believing that life will bring us a bright tomorrow.
Some of you may wonder, well- her road trip incident indicates of a strange situation where the road ended in the middle of some woodsy wilderness and then continued on a little away and here in this article, she is asking us to trust that the road continues fine- isn’t this a mixed message?? No, it is not!
Most of us are not on such a dramatic anomalous path….
Because of which, it gets even easier to trust that not only the road we are on, continues fine but that if there are any crazy, unexpected situations that come up, the divine providence will take care of me (us).
What is needed of each one of us is to truly and deeply trust, do the best we can (our actions- what is in our hands, we need to do it the very best) and ensure that we have an active and open communication with the divine.
This is after all what is meant by awakening up spiritually- it is to live life with awareness, trust, and exuberance.