They were surprised that I was spending all this time with them without any expectation in return. I did not even charge any consultation fees!! But, isn’t that an amazing truth of life. Most things of the Divine are “free” in terms of cost from a material standpoint. For e.g. we do not need to pay for the air we breathe. And though we may need to pay rent for an apartment or mortgage on a house, we do not intrinsically need to pay for the space for our very existence- i.e. our body-space, the space we occupy by the very virtue of being alive. When we feel our prayers as being answered or that angelic help when we feel in dire straits, all that is free of cost (in material terms) as well and so, I prefer not to charge for any spiritual or philosophical help I provide to people.
I feel that whatever I know is by the grace of the divine and so I should freely help people and not take any money in exchange. Though over time, I am finding myself in a strange situation...
My intension for not taking money is to help as many people as I can- without limiting access to my help to only those who can ‘afford’ a consultation. But at the same time, we all are so conditioned to ‘value’ expensive ‘items’- that when we get something for free, we do not value its importance. Over the years, what I have found is that if people have to really work hard to obtain my help and guidance then they seem to abide more with my suggestions, truly follow my guidance and really obtain the required benefits. But, if they are able to easily access me and as chance would have it, I end up having the time to help them right away, then many a times- people will not give as much importance to that information. So, somewhere it not only does not help them, but it wastes my time- as the entire consultation discussion becomes a futile effort! As I thought through this situation, I realized that one option would be to start charging money for my consultation. But then it is not “money” that I am looking for from people. I believe that as a follower of the Energy of Affluence (Ma Ashta Laxmi), I can figure out other entrepreneurial means to create the required sources of income for my own sustenance. |
I want to ensure that they are not merely looking to vent or simply wallow in their ‘victim’ mindset, but that they are tired of feeling the pain, of being unsuccessful, of feeling unloved or whatever the unpleasant situation in their life be; and they are truly wanting to change their situation.
AND FOR THAT, they are willing to do the necessary work- they are willing to perform the required action. I want to ensure that a person who approaches me for help is also committed towards actually doing something about it.
Yes, it is true that wise people do bring their light into your life and this light allows you to ‘see’ better. What was previously hidden from you, what was unclear before as the real reason, the true root cause for your situation can now be brought to light. BUT that does not mean, it has been addressed or resolved. THAT is a responsibility we all need to take for our own life. It is something we all need to do by our own self for our own life.
We cannot escape karma- repercussions of past actions, as well as karma as actions that now need to be performed by us.
If you are reading this article, you probably are someone who is looking for answers to your life questions, or solutions to your situation or concerns that are troubling you.
And if you are truly willing to do what is required i.e. take appropriate action- not an action that is easy or that you would like to take; but an action that is appropriate for your specific scenario; then and only then proceed with gaining more spiritual information and understanding.
It is only after you are sure that you are not only wanting but also willing to change, that approach me or another person who you believe can help you. If not, you are not only wasting my/their time, but also your own. And what is even worse, is you are deluding yourself into thinking that you are reading about self-help guidance (there is much helpful information here on this website as well as elsewhere on the internet), inspiring and motivating words and all these will make you feel temporarily good- but they will not, they cannot address or resolve your situation.
So, if you are looking to evolve and better your life, then you need to make a firm resolution, a Sankalp to resolve your problems, your difficulties and then seek help and guidance. It is only then that you will find that doors are miraculously opening in your favor. Universe, the Divine starts to answer your prayers and starts giving you clues and answers in a myriad of ways.