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Juma said, “well, we all have certain intuitive abilities. The more one is in-sync with the natural energy, that much more we can determine events, particularly if they are supposed to occur in the near future. Why do you ask?”
Ji Won answered, “we have these oracle cards and sticks in Korea. I have always questioned how good they really are at predicting future events. So, I wondered if you knew anything about it.”
Juma smiled and got up. She motioned Ji Won to follow. She went into her study and opened one of the side cabinets. Ji Won looked inside and thought, ‘there must be atleast forty or maybe fifty boxes of various Oracle divination decks.’ She looked at Ji Won with a twinkle in her eyes and said, “pick one of them, whichever appeals to you and I will show you something cool…” Saying this she went back to the living room, leaving Ji Won alone with the oracle divination decks.
Juma was waiting for him at the table and Ji Won joined her. He offered her the box. Juma shook her head saying, “no no... I don’t need it. You are going to do something fun.” Ji Won looked skeptically at her and settled down at the table and started inspecting that oracle deck.
Finally, when Ji Won looked up, Juma said, “now, is there something in the near future that you would like to know about?” Ji Won quickly answered, “ofcourse! How my new drama series will do! As you know Park Areum committed suicide. Considering it is a light Romantic Comedy, we are all worried as to how people will receive our series… In fact, I try not to think about it. Every time I do, I can feel my blood pressure rising!” Ji Won’s countenance changed. His worries and concern were obvious from his facial expression and rapid speech.
Juma said, “okay. So, ask the deck-oracle to show you the most potential public-response outcome for your upcoming drama series. After this, start shuffling the cards. When you feel an inner voice saying ‘stop’, then stop shuffling, cut the deck, keep the top part of the deck on the side and then pick the first card from the stack still in your hand. Got it?”
“Yes.” Ji Won said and started shuffling the cards. He then cut the deck and picked up the top card from the cards remaining in his hand. It said, ‘Small influences. Can gain momentum.’ It did not look too good. Ji Won felt even more upset. He looked up and saw Juma smiling. He gave her a perplexed look.
She said, “what you were experiencing, the card you received and how you are now feeling are all very typical… but before I say anything about it. Let us do one more thing.” Saying this, she motioned for Ji Won to keep the deck aside. Then she asked him, “obviously you want your series to be very successful. But what does success look like with these series?”
Ji Won answered, “the weekly ratings report… all the media speaking about it being such a great entertainment… many interview requests… brands approaching for product promotion… I mean, there are just so many things that follow…” Before Ji Won could complete, Juma said, “good. Now, close your eyes and breathe deep.” Ji Won did as she suggested. “Now, visualize your series being a super duper hit. How everyone is appreciating the series, how they are appreciating your work, how you are being approached by brands and so on…”
Juma waited while Ji Won took a few minutes to visualize the success of his upcoming series. His entire countenance visibly relaxed. Juma said, ‘whenever you feel calm and centered about this visualization, then open up your eyes.” After a couple of minutes or so, Ji Won opened his eyes. He looked relaxed and he was smiling. He asked Juma, “now what?”
Juma pointed to the oracle deck and said, "please put all the cards together, shuffle them, ask the same question about how your drama series will do, then cut the deck and pick up the top card from the cards remaining in your hand. Everything just like last time. Okay?”
Ji Won shuffled the cards, cut the deck, and picked up the top card from the stash in his hand. It said, ‘Supreme success is assured to the one who does the needful work.” He was shocked. He looked at Juma and said how is that possible?
Juma smiled and said, “this is the power of the human energy field. We have the capability to change our life experiences by what we project into the world. It is called as the ‘Law of Attraction’, but unfortunately, many a times people think of this Universal law to simply mean- wish or think about an outcome. It is not just about wishing or thinking, it is about truly modifying our energy field to indicate what it is that we desire and then let the Universal law do its work… to attract your desired objective to you.”
Ji Won thought about it for a few minutes and said, “if that is the case, then are all these Oracle decks useless? Why do you have so many of them?”
Juma replied, “Oracle decks are not useless at all. In fact, they can come in quite handy when we utilize them in a sensible manner. You probably did not realize how your ‘worry energy field’ was attracting that not-so-pleasant outcome, did you?
“So, if you were back home and were wondering about how something will pan out, then giving a quick shuffle and looking into a potential outcome would have been a nice idea. But it is important to remember that it is a potential outcome. It is always a potential outcome. Because no one can predict the future. Future will show itself at its perfect time, as the now of that moment- it is not for us to worry or wonder about.
“Our job is to do the best that we can in any given situation, at any given time. With that in mind, when we find that a potential outcome is not as per our liking, then we can modify our approach, action and so on to ensure a favorable outcome. See what I mean? Till we utilize the information we receive from these oracle decks and other divination ‘predictions’ to better our effort, then they can be great life-tools. In fact, they originally were always intended to be just that. Unfortunately, over the years, human greed and dogmatic behavior have turned them into questionable practices!
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Book Excerpts, Oracle And Divination and Tools And Techniques
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