There are ten Mahavidyas, called as Dasha (ten) Mahavidyas. They are the Wisdom Goddesses or Wisdom Shaktis. They are the ten primal cosmic feminine energy principles.
Basically each of these Shakti-s represent a profound and unique aspect of creation. All of manifestation is only possible because of some feminine shakti (energy) and these ten- Shakti principles are at the very core of everything in this manifested world.
Basically each of these Shakti-s represent a profound and unique aspect of creation. All of manifestation is only possible because of some feminine shakti (energy) and these ten- Shakti principles are at the very core of everything in this manifested world.
Wisdom Bytes
Keywords and Tags:
#DailyVedicWisdom #VedicWisdomByte #dashamahavidya #tenwisdomgoddess #Shakti #variousformsofShakti #TenMahavidyas #Shakti #Durga #Kali
Wisdom Bytes
Keywords and Tags:
#DailyVedicWisdom #VedicWisdomByte #dashamahavidya #tenwisdomgoddess #Shakti #variousformsofShakti #TenMahavidyas #Shakti #Durga #Kali