How can you bring the wisdom and blessings of the Mother Goddess Archetype- Ma Kali into your life?
Can the wisdom and energy of Ma Kali (mother Goddess of divine love, courage and protection) help you to address and solve a nagging chronic problem or something unexpected that crops up in your life?
Can the wisdom and energy of Ma Kali (mother Goddess of divine love, courage and protection) help you to address and solve a nagging chronic problem or something unexpected that crops up in your life?
Mother Goddess- Ma Kali can help you to muster courage to do what is right in any situation. She can help you to conduct your prayers and sadhana with a renewed depth and intensity!
Goddess Kali is a primal divine feminine energy usually addressed as Ma Kali. She represents time as well as the electrical energy in nature. She governs our Prana, i.e. life-force and various subtle energy centers within our body. She specifically exhibits motherly love and protection, where she looks out for her children's well-being and protects them from problems even before they have a chance to manifest!
- Receive divine love and protection from all kinds of danger- physical, karmic or psychic.
- Ability to control and channel one's prana (life-force).
- Gain special healing energy siddhis (abilities).
- Dispel sorrows caused by ego and ignorance.