What are you thinking most of the time? Are you fearful? Many people claim that they are happy and/or that they are truly spiritual, they believe in a divine wisdom and so on.
But if they were to truly observe their thoughts, they would realize that even if they feel they claim to be spiritual and believe in a higher consciousness, their thoughts are filled with fear, doubts and other negative emotions!
And such negative emotions are not the sign of true faith, surrender or devotion.
But if they were to truly observe their thoughts, they would realize that even if they feel they claim to be spiritual and believe in a higher consciousness, their thoughts are filled with fear, doubts and other negative emotions!
And such negative emotions are not the sign of true faith, surrender or devotion.
How are you leading your day? Are you living it consciously- making the appropriate choices and carrying out the required actions in a truly involved but not attached manner, i.e. as Karma Yoga? Is your heart immersed in faith and devotion? Not just on special festive days or when you visit a temple, but each day.
It is important to be aware and conscious of how you are living each day, which will lead to a lifetime of set patterns and these patterns (samskars 'or' karmic tendencies) will not only determine the final outcome but also thereafter.
Each moment of each day is important and complete in its own right and when lived in an appropriate manner with proper attention and heartfelt intension, ensures a lifetime of happiness and a glorious thereafter.
It is important to be aware and conscious of how you are living each day, which will lead to a lifetime of set patterns and these patterns (samskars 'or' karmic tendencies) will not only determine the final outcome but also thereafter.
Each moment of each day is important and complete in its own right and when lived in an appropriate manner with proper attention and heartfelt intension, ensures a lifetime of happiness and a glorious thereafter.