Categories: Shloka For The Week and The Bhagavad Gita
Message from this shloka is not only applicable for this week but for all time to come- this is the wisdom of The Bhagavad Gita. The divine song as presented by Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, which represents the battle of life- as we all experience.
The message from The Bhagavad Gita for this week is from Chapter 2, Verse 13 which says:
“Just as the soul acquires a childhood body, a youth body, and an old age body during this life; similarly, the soul acquires another body after death. This should not delude the wise.”
- The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Verse 13
- The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Verse 13
Daily we hear of news and events that rattle and upset us. Just this past week there was news of rampant and senseless stabbings in crowded places in Europe. Even as I was getting ready to write this post, I read about more violence in one of the US cities. As I could not recollect the city name off-hand, I thought to check it and found another news of crowd-shooting in Mexico!!
Such news of anger, hatred, violence obviously tends to not only upset us, but also de-stabilize our thinking. We tend to get caught in the negativity. It is a very well-known fact that bad news sells and that is the reason, we hear it so much more!!!!!
When we hear of such negative events, it makes us feel vulnerable. We feel fearful for our own safety and also of our loved ones. In a way- we feel trapped. BUT, if we look at this scenario with a little more objectivity, then we will realize that- yes, there definitely has been an increase in violent crime. But is that a true increase or the fact that with instant news and social media, such negative news is more propagated than before??
Such news of anger, hatred, violence obviously tends to not only upset us, but also de-stabilize our thinking. We tend to get caught in the negativity. It is a very well-known fact that bad news sells and that is the reason, we hear it so much more!!!!!
When we hear of such negative events, it makes us feel vulnerable. We feel fearful for our own safety and also of our loved ones. In a way- we feel trapped. BUT, if we look at this scenario with a little more objectivity, then we will realize that- yes, there definitely has been an increase in violent crime. But is that a true increase or the fact that with instant news and social media, such negative news is more propagated than before??
Also- as I have mentioned in some of the energy readings as well as other posts and so on- we are entering a very cautionary phase in our human evolution. Sometimes, it seems like things need to get bad before they get better and starting this week and over the course of several coming weeks, we may feel like we are in such a ‘going even worse’ phase!!
Not just in terms of people acting angry and rebellious or even committing extreme acts of violence against humanity!! All this is possible but also there could be some if not many natural events which could cause tremendous destruction of human life and property. All of this is bound to upset us. It is bound to make us feel vulnerable. You know, in India (atleast amongst the Hindus), when someone dies, we are supposed to read The Bhagavad Gita over the 13 days of mourning!!
The reason being, that the wisdom contained within the Gita can help us to understand the complexities of our life as well as provide us the strength to deal with grief, pain and sorrow which is bound to result from life’s transitory and transformational actions.
Not just in terms of people acting angry and rebellious or even committing extreme acts of violence against humanity!! All this is possible but also there could be some if not many natural events which could cause tremendous destruction of human life and property. All of this is bound to upset us. It is bound to make us feel vulnerable. You know, in India (atleast amongst the Hindus), when someone dies, we are supposed to read The Bhagavad Gita over the 13 days of mourning!!
The reason being, that the wisdom contained within the Gita can help us to understand the complexities of our life as well as provide us the strength to deal with grief, pain and sorrow which is bound to result from life’s transitory and transformational actions.
One such inevitability of life is death!! One who is born is bound to die- it is not just the case with humans, but also with tress, insects, animals and even the stars. What is born must die. But, when we feel connected (and so also feel attachment) with those who die, then it makes us feel sad and we grieve their absence.
The message from the Bhagavad Gita for this week (and which is also applicable for many weeks to come- almost until later part of January 2020); reminds us that life and death are both transitory! When we truly understand the wisdom of life’s nature itself, then we also understand death’s nature and because of this- we do not find any need to feel any sorrow or despair.
So, dear readers- over this next little while, be cautious of your own actions and other people’s reactions. If someone is being very belligerent or obnoxious; try to show more loving presence and patience.
Try to be as much loving and forgiving as you can. We all bring our own energy into the collective energy field. The more we bring love and caring, that much more we can influence the collective energy field. But, do not get attached to the outcome.
The message from the Bhagavad Gita for this week (and which is also applicable for many weeks to come- almost until later part of January 2020); reminds us that life and death are both transitory! When we truly understand the wisdom of life’s nature itself, then we also understand death’s nature and because of this- we do not find any need to feel any sorrow or despair.
So, dear readers- over this next little while, be cautious of your own actions and other people’s reactions. If someone is being very belligerent or obnoxious; try to show more loving presence and patience.
Try to be as much loving and forgiving as you can. We all bring our own energy into the collective energy field. The more we bring love and caring, that much more we can influence the collective energy field. But, do not get attached to the outcome.
Remember, karmas that have come to the brink of fruition are bound to happen and show effect- after all, even Lord Krishna’s love, light and presence was not able to thwart the Mahabharat war. But then again, just because the war happened, Lord Krishna did not give up performing correct action. THIS is what we need to learn from and imbibe in the time ahead…
Do the best that you can in every situation that happens in your life- to you, near you or one that you are made aware of thru news and other media- but if you start of feel pain, sorrow, loss; then know that life is transitory- this too shall pass and transform into something better in due time. Find solace as well as strength in this eternal wisdom from The Bhagavad Gita.
Do the best that you can in every situation that happens in your life- to you, near you or one that you are made aware of thru news and other media- but if you start of feel pain, sorrow, loss; then know that life is transitory- this too shall pass and transform into something better in due time. Find solace as well as strength in this eternal wisdom from The Bhagavad Gita.
#TheBhagavadGita #GitaQuotes #GitaMessage #WeeklyMessages #equanimity #mentalbalance #centeredmind #meditation