Lord Parashuram is considered as the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He is the son of Rishi Jamadagni and a Kshatriya princess, Renuka.
Legend has it that Renuka was so devoted to her husband that she would utilize an unbaked clay pot to fill water from the river. Her devotion and sense of chastity would keep the clay bound well and it would not dissolve in the water.
Legend has it that Renuka was so devoted to her husband that she would utilize an unbaked clay pot to fill water from the river. Her devotion and sense of chastity would keep the clay bound well and it would not dissolve in the water.
But then one day, while she was fetching water from the river, a group of Gandharvas (celestial beings, who are usually very beautiful and appealing) were passing by, in the sky above.
Renuka’s heart filled with desire for just a moment. She immediately retraced her desires, but that moment of indiscretion was bad enough for her pot to dissolve in water. She was too afraid to now go back home and so just waited at the riverbank.
In the meantime, Rishi Jamadagni noticed that his wife had not returned from the river and utilizing his yogic powers he inquired into the situation.
He came to know what had happened and flew into rage. He ordered his eldest son to kill his mother. His son refused to perform such an action. Then he ordered his second son and so on. They all refused to kill their mother. Angered by this fact that his sons refused to follow his command, he turned them to stones!
Renuka’s heart filled with desire for just a moment. She immediately retraced her desires, but that moment of indiscretion was bad enough for her pot to dissolve in water. She was too afraid to now go back home and so just waited at the riverbank.
In the meantime, Rishi Jamadagni noticed that his wife had not returned from the river and utilizing his yogic powers he inquired into the situation.
He came to know what had happened and flew into rage. He ordered his eldest son to kill his mother. His son refused to perform such an action. Then he ordered his second son and so on. They all refused to kill their mother. Angered by this fact that his sons refused to follow his command, he turned them to stones!
Finally, Rishi Jamadagni ordered his youngest son Lord Parashuram, to kill his mother. Being the obedient son, Lord Parashuram knew that as per his dharma (core moral duty- universal obligation), he needs to carry out his father’s command. Accordingly, he chopped off his mother head with his axe.
Rishi Jamadagni was pleased that his son was obedient and had carried out his wishes, so he gave him two boons. He said, “Dear son, I am pleased by your obedience. Ask any two boons.”
Lord Parashuram replied that as the first boon, he would like his mother to get her head back and be restored to life. And for his second boon, he would like for his brothers to also be restored back to flesh and blood living beings.
Rishi Jamadagni was pleased to hear his son’s request and promptly completed the restoration in a smooth way. Renuka and her sons came back to life without any recollection of the horror that they had experienced.
Rishi Jamadagni was pleased that his son was obedient and had carried out his wishes, so he gave him two boons. He said, “Dear son, I am pleased by your obedience. Ask any two boons.”
Lord Parashuram replied that as the first boon, he would like his mother to get her head back and be restored to life. And for his second boon, he would like for his brothers to also be restored back to flesh and blood living beings.
Rishi Jamadagni was pleased to hear his son’s request and promptly completed the restoration in a smooth way. Renuka and her sons came back to life without any recollection of the horror that they had experienced.
In this way, Lord Parashuram was able to conduct his rightful dharma of being a son, and carry out the required action, and at the same time, was able to bring his mother and brothers back to life with his love and affection.
Esoteric meaning:
At an apparent level, when modern day folks read these Vedic legends, they get quite perturbed. How can a Rishi, a divine light being, ask his own son to kill his mother!! How can the son carry out such a gory act in the name of “dharma”!!
We need to remember that many of these Vedic legends were symbolic in nature and they indicate cosmic mysteries- interwoven with story and moral teachings.
It is important and interesting to note that Lord Parashuram represents the graha (planet) Venus and we know that Venus represents the ability to produce life (as shukra or reproductive fluids). Venus is also the only planet that has the knowledge of Sanjeevani vidya- i.e. the know-how as to how we can bring someone back to life.
Though, as Venus, there is another Vedic legend as to how Venus- Shukracharya obtained the Sanjeevani vidya. More on that some other time… stay tuned…
Esoteric meaning:
At an apparent level, when modern day folks read these Vedic legends, they get quite perturbed. How can a Rishi, a divine light being, ask his own son to kill his mother!! How can the son carry out such a gory act in the name of “dharma”!!
We need to remember that many of these Vedic legends were symbolic in nature and they indicate cosmic mysteries- interwoven with story and moral teachings.
It is important and interesting to note that Lord Parashuram represents the graha (planet) Venus and we know that Venus represents the ability to produce life (as shukra or reproductive fluids). Venus is also the only planet that has the knowledge of Sanjeevani vidya- i.e. the know-how as to how we can bring someone back to life.
Though, as Venus, there is another Vedic legend as to how Venus- Shukracharya obtained the Sanjeevani vidya. More on that some other time… stay tuned…
#Parashuram #Jamadagni #HinduMythology #HinduStories #VedicWisdom