Category: Practical Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an ancient medical science which has originated from Indian subcontinent. The term ayurveda comprises of ‘ayur’ which means life and ‘veda’ which means science. Collectively it is comprehended as ‘science of life’.
It is evident from the main description that ayurveda is far more vast than to limit it into the boundaries of medical science. The main principle of ayurveda is attaining and preserving the healthy status and curing the ailment of an individual. Ayurveda is a health-centric science which considers maintaining health as important as treatment of the ailment.
Health is a balanced combination of physique, mind and spirit. Healthy physique is attained through eating proper diet (aahar) and leading an active life in sync with the external environment (vihaar). The description is carried ahead by citing various regimes to be inculcated in diurnal and seasonal variations.
Healthy mind is keeping one’s thought process stress free and lively. This can be attained through various breathing techniques which have been defined in context of asanas. These two- the healthy body and mind are then merged into supreme legacy- the spirit. The final step is facilitated by meditation.
It is evident from the main description that ayurveda is far more vast than to limit it into the boundaries of medical science. The main principle of ayurveda is attaining and preserving the healthy status and curing the ailment of an individual. Ayurveda is a health-centric science which considers maintaining health as important as treatment of the ailment.
Health is a balanced combination of physique, mind and spirit. Healthy physique is attained through eating proper diet (aahar) and leading an active life in sync with the external environment (vihaar). The description is carried ahead by citing various regimes to be inculcated in diurnal and seasonal variations.
Healthy mind is keeping one’s thought process stress free and lively. This can be attained through various breathing techniques which have been defined in context of asanas. These two- the healthy body and mind are then merged into supreme legacy- the spirit. The final step is facilitated by meditation.
Disease is a result of faulty equilibrium in metabolic processes of the body. Whenever, there is an imbalance between the three basic components of the body- the vatta (air/ ether), pitta (bile) and kapha (the phlegm); disease will occur.
Treatment in ayurveda is based on individual’s body type and traits. Medicine is prescribed primarily focussing on patient and his body type. This explains the concept of prakriti. It defines the main traits of an individual and his vulnerability to various ailments.
The main aim is to eradicate or cure the cause of the disease which supersedes the symptomatic relief. This requires patience and an active participation from the diseased individual. The treatment followed is classified as: shodhan (purification), shaman (eradication of the cause), rasayan (fortifying process) and satavajaya (harmony of mind).
Treatment in ayurveda is based on individual’s body type and traits. Medicine is prescribed primarily focussing on patient and his body type. This explains the concept of prakriti. It defines the main traits of an individual and his vulnerability to various ailments.
The main aim is to eradicate or cure the cause of the disease which supersedes the symptomatic relief. This requires patience and an active participation from the diseased individual. The treatment followed is classified as: shodhan (purification), shaman (eradication of the cause), rasayan (fortifying process) and satavajaya (harmony of mind).
Ayurveda is categorised into eight different speciality domains: kaya chikitsa (medicine), shalya chikitsa (surgery), shalakya chikitsa (eye and ENT), kaumar bhritya (paediatrics and gynaecology), agad tantra (toxicology), graha chikitsa (psychiatric ailments), rasayan (fortification) and baajikaran (rejuvenation).
This is an example of the detail orientation and the level of specialisation reached in those ancient times. Not only this, Sushruta, the father of surgery, who has compiled the shalya tantra made the most valuable contribution of plastic surgery in form of rhinoplasty, labioplasty and suturing deformed ear pinna. Minute and detailed explanations of the layers of skin and several other aspects were also explained by Sushruta.
This is an example of the detail orientation and the level of specialisation reached in those ancient times. Not only this, Sushruta, the father of surgery, who has compiled the shalya tantra made the most valuable contribution of plastic surgery in form of rhinoplasty, labioplasty and suturing deformed ear pinna. Minute and detailed explanations of the layers of skin and several other aspects were also explained by Sushruta.
The concepts and contexts of ayurveda are as relevant today, as they were in yester years. By following an ayurvedic regime an individual can attain and maintain health.
Ayurveda is not just a complementary and alternative system of medicine but it is a way of life. It is the oldest science of medicine which has a lineage as old as 5000 years. It was passed to the generations through vocal communication only, which eventually lead to gradual loss of valuable information and distortion in the original contents.
But facing all adversaries, it has managed not only to survive through the rages of time but also maintained its accuracy and efficacy in providing healthy lives to individuals.
Ayurveda is not just a complementary and alternative system of medicine but it is a way of life. It is the oldest science of medicine which has a lineage as old as 5000 years. It was passed to the generations through vocal communication only, which eventually lead to gradual loss of valuable information and distortion in the original contents.
But facing all adversaries, it has managed not only to survive through the rages of time but also maintained its accuracy and efficacy in providing healthy lives to individuals.
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